User and Maintenance Manuals
Based on your product sheets, specifications and operating descriptions,
or even tests carried out directly by our technical editors, TRADOC is
able to provide you with clear, attractive and functional user manuals
for your equipment and software.
The use of the DITA XML standard
allows our customers to keep their documentation alive at a lower cost
as their products evolve.
The finished product of the TRADOC service is a user or maintenance manual, in PDF format, ready to print or upload.

Website Content
The creation of attractive, clear and compelling web content is the competence of TRADOC.
If the content is a complement to an existing site, TRADOC will provide you with content that integrates with the existing by its style and visual.
If this is a new site, the content provided by TRADOC will reflect your brand image and the specifics of your products and services.
TRADOC can also take care of the entire site, from domain name to hosting, at the choice of the CMS (content management system), up to the design and graphic illustration.
With the skills of TRADOC, it is a whole multilingual site that can be delivered in the end.

e-Learning Content
For customers who have an eLearning platform, TRADOC is responsible for feeding course content and control questions. After validation by the customer, the platform can be located and used by all the company's global locations.
For those who do not have such a platform, TRADOC offers a cost-effective integrated solution, including the Open Source Moodle software (used worldwide), with the content desired by the client, or even the domain name and the hosting on one of our servers.